Good News: Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration Begins

Good News: Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration Begins

Good News: Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration Begins: Good news for the people of Punjab: After the great success of the Punjab Dhee Rani Program, the second phase Punjab Dhee Rani Program has now been formally launched. You will be happy to know that like in the previous phase, applications are being accepted for 1500 marriages this time too.

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif aims to reduce the wedding expenses of poor and deserving families so that they can perform the ritual of marriage properly. Through the Punjab Dahirani Program, a gift of up to one lakh rupees and a dowry of about two lakh rupees will be disbursed to the bride through ATM.

If you want to benefit from this scheme and complete your registration process in it, then we are going to explain the registration eligibility of the Punjab Dhee Rani Program and its complete details in this article, how you can complete your online registration process in this program, so if you are interested in this article and want to complete your Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration, then you need to read this article till the end.

Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration Begins

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Eligibility Criteria for Punjab Dhee Rani Program 2nd Phase Of Registration

If you want to complete your registration process in the Punjab Dhee Rani Program and you belong to a poor and deserving family, then you will first have to meet their eligibility criteria. The Punjab government has set eligibility criteria for this, which are given below.

  • The applicant must have a Pakistani identity card, on which a permanent address in Punjab is mentioned.
  • The application can be submitted by the girl herself or her parents or guardians.
  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Punjab and her age should be between 18 and 40 years.
  • It should be remembered that in this program, girls of helpless, disabled and orphaned people are eligible to benefit from this program.
  • The candidate should not be involved in any illegal activities.
  • The candidate should have an identity card from Nadira and her permanent address should be in the province of Punjab.

The registration process for the Punjab Dhee Rani Program

The second phase of registration in the Punjab Dhee Rani program has started. Many people have a question how can we complete our registration process in this program? In this regard, let me tell you that the registration procedure is the same as in the first phase. Here we have provided the complete procedure for your guidance on how you can complete the registration process and the procedure is given below.

  • To complete the registration process for the Dhee Rani Program, you first have to go to the official portal: of the Dahrani Program.
  • As soon as the portal opens, you have to click on the registered button. Then you have to create your account on the Dhee Rani portal first.
  • After creating the account, an application form will open in front of you in which you have to fill in the necessary information like complete information of the bride, parents’ details, groom’s information, and groom’s parents’ details, etc. and after that, you have to upload the soft copies of the required documents and after that, you have to submit the application form for the Dhee Rani program.
  • In this way, you can easily complete your registration process in the Dhee Rani Program.

The registration process for the Punjab Dhee Rani Program

Offline Application Procedure for Punjab Dhee Rani Program

For those candidates who do not have a strong internet connection in their area, the Punjab government has also provided the facility of offline registration methods so that they can complete their registration process and get the benefits of this scheme.

To complete the registration in the Dhee Rani program, you have to go to your nearest Social Welfare Deputy Director’s office and from there, you have to get the application form. After that, you have to fillin all the required information and after that, you have to submit the application form back to the Social Welfare Deputy Director’s office. In this way, you can easily complete your registration process offline way.


In this article, we have explained in detail about the second phase of the Punjab Dhee Rani Program, how you can complete your registration process, and what are the eligibility criteria, complete details are provided in this article, so if you are facing any kind of problem or any difficulty regarding the Punjab Dhee Rani Program registration, then you can ask us through any section.

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